Tag Archives: blog

30-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 29

11 Dec

As of today, Henry is 364 days old. And since I imagine that I might have something else to post about tomorrow (hmmm…what could it be?), I thought that I would touch on the subject of my super-exciting, thrill every minute, really rather Henry-centric blogging challenge.


I made it almost all the way! Yay!

It wasn’t perfect. I missed a day here and there. But I feel that I held to the spirit of the challenge. Can’t help that life got in the way a couple of times.

Many lessons were learned (including that I have an addiction to exclamation points! and CAPS) but there were two major take-aways from this challenge:

1. Blogging everyday is hard. And time consuming.

Many bloggers make this look easy but it is SO NOT. Taking the time to write something interesting/coherent/cogent/unique and then generating images on top of that- yikes!  There goes a couple hours. And some people post multiple times a day! And have a super high readership (which, for those of you that don’t know, is the result of extra, unseen efforts to promote your blog)! So…kudos to everyone that maintains popular blogs. You have my respect.

But, in my experience, the effort has been totally worth it because…

2. Everyone is SO nice. I’ve received many wonderful comments and compliments about my writing and photos. While I don’t always reply, I always read and appreciate the comments left by people. Thanks everyone! And as a bonus and total surprise to me, this has been an incredible way to keep in touch and connect with people. My posts have sparked some good conversations and I love that!

With all of this, I’m going to do my best to continue regular posting. Henry’s amusing/entertaining quotient is starting to skyrocket and I’ll do my best to keep you abreast of the humorous/endearing/milestone moments. Plus I might have a few non-Henry focused ideas rattling around in my skull.

So, come back tomorrow for a big, momentous, amazing post. Henry saws it’s going to be awesome!

My 30-day blogging challenge…

13 Nov

Hey everyone.

I think that we can all agree that my October and early November posting record has been pathetic. I think I’ve posted like four times in the last month. Mommy nap time replaced mommy blogging time. Sad. This needs to be remedied.

So, I’m giving myself a challenge. Post every day for 30 days. That’s basically now until Henry’s birthday. Let’s call it the “No more night naps” challenge or the “Becca can accomplish this. Really!” challenge or maybe the ” OMG! We’ve been parents for one year!” challenge. Hard to choose. I view these concepts as being related. My ability to accomplish things in general appears to be inversely proportional to my time as a parent. Something about my brain turning into goo…

Anyhoo, during this challenge, be prepared. Some days will be interesting posts (read: pictures of Henry) others might be less interesting (read: no pictures of Henry). The point is to post. Maybe the habit will stick. Maybe I’ll be so consumed with posting that I won’t notice that my evening nap time has come and gone (wait, that just happened. See! It’s already working). And maybe I’ll actually find time to pursue this hobby. Now wouldn’t that be nice?

It all sounds well and good but I might need your help with this. If there’s anything you’d like to hear about, please let me know. At some point I’ll be scraping the bottom of the barrel and will risk talking about my newest nail polish color or what I had for breakfast. And, really, that’s what Facebook is for. But, really, there should be good stuff to talk about. This is a fun time of year and we have some big celebrations coming up in the next month or so. More to come later…

Thanks for sticking with me.

Day 1 post complete. 29 more posts to go.