Tag Archives: project

The tortoise eventually wins the race, right?

17 Apr

I used to be so productive.

I used to get things done. And quickly.

I used to be the fabled hare, running and pushing and straining.

And then everything changed.

Things move slowly now.

Things don’t get done, at least not right away.

I’ve become the tortoise, plodding, inching my way forward but always moving.

I measure accomplishment in other ways. In the number of hugs and smiles and laughs.

I’ve grown accustomed to my new pace.

But when I start a project, such as the quilt I mentioned ages ago here, I’d still like to finish it.

And I’m working on it. Bit by bit. A little here. A little there.

And before, I would have made an excruciatingly exact and complicated quilt. Now, I don’t let perfect get in the way of good.

This scrap-style quilt is more my speed.

It’s not exact. It’s not perfect. But it’s still beautiful.

And if I remind myself that the tortoise did eventually win that race, then the quilt will get done. But on my own time.

A new project (can I do it?)

4 Jan

I’m starting a new project, a fairly large, pretty substantial project.

I’m making a new quilt for our bed.

Cause I’m a crazy person.

I don’t know exactly why I’m doing this. Maybe I just wanted something pretty for our new apartment and our current quilt is looking ragged. It needs a rest. Or maybe it’s because I’m a project person and I can’t help myself. I feel compelled.

So, I’m taking on a crazy person project and I’m going to make a quilt in my spare time.


I’m trying to be somewhat realistic with all this. Only 24 big rectangles sewn into three columns. Relatively easy compared to some quilts out there.

And I found such pretty fabrics from Amy Butler, Joel Dewberry, Sandi Henerson, and Terrie Mangat.

The theme seems to be navy blue, avocado green, turquoise, and purple with grey and coral accents. Now that I’m looking at it again, it is a slightly crazy color combination. Oh well. Maybe that can be the theme for the quilt…crazy.

So for right now, we wait for the fabrics to arrive.

I’ll keep you posted on the quilting progress.